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Webinar on Area-based approach to prevent and eradicate child labour


Updated: Mar 22, 2023

The Global March Against Child Labour invites you to a webinar, ”Area-Based Approach

experiences towards tackling child labour". In this webinar, we share the experience of the area-based approach to preventing and eradicating child labour and protecting adolescent workers.


To share different experiences of implementing area-based approaches to prevent and eliminate child labour and protect adolescent workers in different regions and contexts with civil society organizations and trade unions. This event intends to facilitate learning and discussion on the possibilities of this approach as a holistic multistakeholder and multi-sectorial solution where child labour is still prevalent in agriculture.

Date and Time

Date: Wednesday March 15, 2023

Time: 13:00 UTC (Lima: 8:00, Accra: 13:00, Japan: 22:00, Costa Rica:7:00 Spain: 14:00, India: 18:30)


The webinar will be held using the Webex platform with written translation in English and Spanish.


Please register here.




1. Introduction

2. Sharing experiences


Global March Strategy and Experience of Integrated Area Based Approach

  • Angela Solano Doncel, Programme Manager/Gender Specialist

  • Gazal Malik, Programme and Advocacy Manager- Global Supply Chain Specialist

Lessons learnt from testing Child Labour Free Zones in Ghana (20 mins)

  • Tomoko Shiroki, Vice President/Co-Founder of Action against Child Exploitation (ACE).

  • Andrews Addoquaye Tagoe. Deputy General Secretary - General Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) of the Trades Union Congress (Ghana), Chairman of the Technical Working Group on CLFZ in Ghana, Regional Coordinator (Anglophone Africa) of Global March against Child Labour.


Showcase of Area-based approach- from different regions speaker)

Central America experiences from Central America Global March coordination

  • ChildHope Guatemala, Experience in implementing a zone free of child labour and community entrepreneurship.

  • DNI Costa Rica, EEMPATA education, adolescent workers, and decent employment in rural agriculture areas.

SouthAmerica experiences from South America Global March coordination

  • Cesip Facing child labor in agriculture, Piura, Peru.

  • Desarrollo y Autogestión (DyA): multi-stakeholder territorial management for the eradication of child labor and the protection of rights in Argentina.

3. Q & A

4. Closing Remark

Moderator: Virginia Murillo Herrera, Executive President of DCI Costa Rica, Vice President for the Americas of DCI International, Subregional Coordination Global March, Member of the Sociology of Children and Adolescents Group.

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